Promotional Merchandise Ideas for Personal Care Brands
Promotional Merchandise Ideas for Personal Care Brands
Promotional Merchandise Ideas for Personal Care Brands
Other Promotional Merchandise Ideas for Personal Care Brands we have particularly enjoyed:
– Dove was offering of a free branded bath towel with each purchase of their ‘Damage Repair Pack’ :
Free Branded Bath Towel – On Pack Gift by Dove
– Heathcote and Ivory were offering a free nail file with each purchase of their hand personal care kits:
How Heathcote & Ivory Attracts Their Customers Through On Pack Promos
– This on pack promo provided by L’Occitane
On pack promo – Gift bag offered by L’Occitane
Why Promotional Merchandise Ideas are good to consider when wanting to enhance your business:
– Boost Sales: This unique quality can be derived from either your brand, or the quality of your on pack offer. If you can offer a gift that is complimentary to the product you are selling, it enhances the value of the purchase. This gives more reason for customers to purchase.
Promotional Merchandise Ideas
Promotional Merchandise Ideas for Personal Care Brands
– Practicality: The gift will be useful to store the product in. A plastic container for bath salts is a great gift as it is both practical and visually pleasing.
– Enhancing Customer Loyalty: Offering customers something complimentary will enhance customer loyalty with your brand as they will as though they are getting something back. Particularly in the case of this dispenser, customers are likely to buy more of the bath salts when they run out to ensure this complimentary gift with purchase does not go to waste.
– Low Cost – High Results: The low production cost makes this on pack promotion gift a highly sought after one. For the aforementioned benefits this plastic complimentary dispenser is certainly cost effective for Radox company. Cheap promotional items will therefore bring high results.
Promotional Merchandise Ideas for Personal Care Brands
Promotional Merchandise Ideas for Personal Care Brands
Have these Promotional Merchandise Ideas inspired you to provide a gift with purchase or on-pack promotion? Many companies choose to make use of on pack promos to help attract and retain more customers. A gift with purchase is by far the best advertising method as consumers are naturally attracted to promotions.
At eecc eternal china gift factory , we have significant experience in design and manufacturing. If you are looking to make a complimentary decanter or gift with purchase in general, then please get in touch with us today!