Guess what´s becoming trendy again: on-pack giveaway items.
In order to increase our corporate brand´s perceptions we can always include some kind of on-pack giveaway items. This on-pack giveaway consists of a 16cm long spoon made out of polypropylene food contact material where we can include our logo through the process of in mould labeling.
When we include these kind of on-pack for dairies promo gifts in our marketing campaigns we are looking to attract the attention of our main target market, which in this case would be children.
Below we can see an image of this on-pack giveaway.
Enrich your branding with this on-pack giveaway for milk brands
eecc eternal china gift factory www.chinagiftfactory.com
How is this on pack giveaways for milk made and how can it help us to increase our branding?
PP spoons are made through plastic injection moulds which normally take around 30 days to produce. We can make any kind of shape with the moulding process and instead of using Shrek´s face as the picture above, we can use the following below:
Enrich your branding with this on-pack giveaway for milk brands
eecc eternal china gift factory www.chinagiftfactory.com
On pack for food promos should always be mass produced at cheap unit costs as this will allow us to purchase the promos in bigger quantities. When we purchase big quantities of these kind of promo gifts, we are always looking to include them in the whole of our products range and thus have more exposure to our customers. Cartoon faced spoons always keep children enthusiastic about the product they consume and will want to keep purchasing the products as they will always look for different giveaways on pack.
Other cool on pack for milk promos include:
A utensil makes a great on pack promo for food items
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